My newest piece in the doors and windows series:
Open Window
now on display at Art on Boston gallery
24″ x 18″
This piece came together very quickly, in one sewing session – although I had a bunch of the greens and yellows already stripped and sewn.
As I was working on this, I was looking at it from another direction (rotated clockwise) – but it felt better with the light coming downward.
Then we went to France and I took all these photos of sunlight shining through arched doorways, onto steps – and they looked a lot like this piece! deja vu?
This is the 1st century Roman arena in Arles
– still used for bullfights and other events – although they stopped the gladiator contests and throwing Christians to the wild beasts a while back.
So I am expecting to make a few more doors and windows with roman arches and stairs with light flowing down –
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